Washington, D.C.  20549


                              SCHEDULE 13G/A

          Information Statement Pursuant to Rules 13d-1 and 13d-2
                 Under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

                             (Amendment No. 1)

                            Landec Corporation
                             (Name of Issuer)

                         Common Stock                            
                      (Title of Class of Securities)

                              (CUSIP Number)


CUSIP No. 0005147661                                      Page 2 of 5 Pages

1)   Name of Reporting Person                 Domain Partners 
     S.S. or I.R.S. Identification            II, L.P.
     No. of Above Person
2)   Check the Appropriate Box                  (a) [ X ]
     if a Member of a Group                     (b) [   ]        
3)   SEC Use Only
4)   Citizenship or Place                     Delaware
     of Organization                                             
Number of                5)   Sole Voting    793,951 shares of
Shares Beneficially           Power          Common Stock       
Owned by Each                                                   
Reporting Person                                                 
                         6)   Shared Voting 
                              Power                -0-           
                         7)   Sole Disposi-  793,951 shares of 
                              tive Power     Common Stock        
                         8)   Shared Dis-
                              positive Power       -0-           

9)   Aggregate Amount Beneficially           793,951 shares of 
     Owned by Each Reporting person          Common Stock        
10)  Check if the Aggregate
     Amount in Row (9)
     Excludes Certain Shares                                     
11)  Percent of Class
     Represented by                            7.1%
     Amount in Row (9)                                           
12)  Type of Reporting 
     Person                                  PN

CUSIP No. 0005147661                                      Page 3 of 5 Pages

1)   Name of Reporting Person                 Domain Associates  
     S.S. or I.R.S. Identification                
     No. of Above Person                      
2)   Check the Appropriate Box                  (a) [ X ]
     if a Member of a Group                     (b) [   ]
3)   SEC Use Only
4)   Citizenship or Place                     New Jersey
     of Organization
Number of                5)   Sole Voting     14,493 shares of
Shares Beneficially           Power           Common Stock 
Owned by Each                                 (including 12,103
Reporting Person                              issuable upon ex-
                                              ercise of options)
                         6)   Shared Voting 
                              Power               -0-
                         7)   Sole Disposi-   14,493 shares of
                              tive Power      Common Stock
                                              (including 12,103
                                              issuable upon ex-
                                              ercise of options) 
                         8)   Shared Dis-
                              positive Power       -0-

9)   Aggregate Amount Beneficially            14,493 shares of
     Owned by Each Reporting person           Common Stock
                                              (including 12,103
                                              issuable upon ex-
                                              ercise of options) 
10)  Check if the Aggregate
     Amount in Row (9)
     Excludes Certain Shares
11)  Percent of Class
     Represented by                            0.1%  
     Amount in Row (9)
12)  Type of Reporting 
     Person                                  PN

CUSIP No. 0005147661                                      Page 4 of 5 Pages

                     Amendment No. 1 to Schedule 13G/A

          Reference is hereby made to the statement on Schedule 13G/A
originally filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on February
12, 1997 (the "Schedule 13G/A").  Terms defined in the Schedule 13G/A are
used herein as so defined.

          The Schedule 13G/A is hereby amended as follows:

Item 4 -       Ownership.

               (a)  Amount Beneficially Owned:

               Domain II:  793,951 shares of Common Stock
               DA:  14,493 shares of Common Stock (including 12,103 shares
               issuable upon exercise of options) 
               (b)  Percent of Class:

               Domain II: 7.1%
               DA: 0.1%
               (c)  Number of shares as to which such person has:

               (i)  sole power to vote or to direct the vote:  
               Domain II:  793,951 shares of Common Stock
               DA:  14,493 shares of Common Stock (including 12,103 shares
               issuable upon exercise of options) 

               (ii) shared power to vote or to direct the vote:  -0-

               (iii) sole power to dispose or to direct the disposition of: 
               Domain II:  793,951 shares of Common Stock
               DA:  14,493 shares of Common Stock (including 12,103 shares
               issuable upon exercise of options) 
               (iv) shared power to dispose or to direct the disposition
                    of:  -0-

CUSIP No. 0005147661                                      Page 5 of 5 Pages


          After reasonable inquiry and to the best of my knowledge and
belief, I certify that the information set forth in this statement is true,
complete and correct.

                              DOMAIN PARTNERS II, L.P.
                              By:  One Palmer Square Associates
                                     II L.P., General Partner

                              By /s/ Kathleen K. Schoemaker     

                              DOMAIN ASSOCIATES       
                              By  /s/ Kathleen K. Schoemaker    
                                   General Partner     

Date:  February 2, 1998